Thank You dot

Thank you for applying to join the Singapore St Andrew’s Society. Please now follow the steps below to make payment:

Payment Option 1

Pay directly into the Society’s bank account:

Standard Chartered Bank, 6 Battery Road. The account number is 0108461971 / bank code 7144 / branch code 001

If you have made a bank transfer, email the following information to us at

  • Payment Value

Payment Option 2

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Singapore St Andrew’s Society’ and mail to address below:

Membership Secretary
Singapore St Andrew’s Society
PO Box 049
Ghim Moh Post Office
Singapore 912732

If you are paying by cheque, email the following information to us at

  • The Name of Your Bank
  • Your Cheque Number
  • Cheque Amount

Once we have received your payment, your application will be considered at our next committee meeting (on the first Tuesday of each month). We will send you notification of approval after that meeting. Thank you.

Thank you.

Sponsors dot

Saltire Sponsors

  • ASEAN St Andrew Society

Tartan Sponsors

  • The British Club
  • Edrington
  • Tadcaster

Thistle Sponsors

    Other Sponsors

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