Thank You dot

Thank you! You have registered for event. To complete your application, click here to make payment online OR follow the steps below to make payment:

Payment Option 1

Pay directly into the Society’s bank account:

Standard Chartered Bank, 6 Battery Road. The account number is 0108461971 / bank code 7144 / branch code 001

If you have made a bank transfer, email the following information to us at

  • Payment Value

Payment Option 2

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Singapore St Andrew’s Society’ and mail to address below:

Membership Secretary
Singapore St Andrew’s Society
PO Box 049
Ghim Moh Post Office
Singapore 912732

If you are paying by cheque, email the following information to us at

  • Name of Your Bank
  • Cheque Number
  • Cheque Amount

We shall revert shortly once we review your application and payment reference.

Thank you.

Sponsors dot

Saltire Sponsors

  • ASEAN St Andrew Society

Tartan Sponsors

  • The British Club
  • Edrington
  • Tadcaster

Thistle Sponsors

    Other Sponsors

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